Get To Know What is Your Purpose

We were all created on this earth to produce and have purposeful lives.  Perhaps you have a talent, a skill you might have not yet uncovered, or may have yet to develop it fully. Maybe you are a good at teaching, or have exceptional analytical skills, whatever your special gifts are, we all have a desirable course we should take.

Have you ever asked, “What is my purpose?” The Bible tells us in the passage in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” According to the verse, we are all born with a pre-destine plan for our lives. Each of us has a purpose for our existence. The verse also says those plans are for “good” and to give us a “future and hope.” In other words, you will be fulfilled in whatever you do according to God’s plan.

What is purpose? 

First we must understand what purpose is. The Random House Dictionary defines purpose as “the object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal. It is a result or effect that is intended or desired; an intention. It is determination; resolution. It is the matter at hand; the point at issue.”

Perhaps you have a talent, a skill you might have not yet uncovered, or may have yet to develop. Maybe you are a good at teaching, or have exceptional analytical skills… whatever your gifts are, we all have a blueprint inside us, a desirable course we should take, something each individual must pursue. Although for a variety of reasons such as poor choices, fear, addictions, doubts… there are those who do not realizes those gifts. Some settle and go through life without ever fulfilling their God-given purpose. They most often do not accomplish their dreams, frequently feeling miserable about their work and lack of opportunities. If this applies to you then based on the Bible verse, you are not living your purpose driven life.

Do you know your purpose?

To find your purpose, the answer lies within you.

Try answering the following questions:

• What interest you?
• What do you find most fulfilling?
• Is there something you do well?

You may be able to answer the above questions with certainty; however, if you cannot then it could take some exploring and self-examination on your part. It may take days, months, or longer to thoroughly reflect on what’s being asked; nevertheless be patient until you can honestly provide the answer(s).

Why is it important?

Anything is possible if you are determined and have a desire then nothing becomes unachievable as we have witness Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon; Mattie Stepanek, an 11-year-old boy suffering from muscular dystrophy becomes a best selling poet; Joni Eareckson Tada, became a quadriplegic at 17 and went on to become a best selling author and artist. … Those are several examples of many purpose rich lives whose stories have inspired millions. Still, life’s distractions and our decisions can often alter our paths down a road of unintended consequences which subsequently leads to regret and emptiness. It then becomes important to live a purpose filled life as people are most content when what they do is not only rewarding for them but also helps others in the process.

We were all created to produce and have purposeful lives. But there are many people who often believe it is God’s will for someone to be homeless or poor-- and neither is the case. His will for us is to have a “future and hope,” and despite our difficulties and ailments we can overcome what ever it is that is hindering us, and knowing God has a plan for our lives, and that His plan is for “good” and not for evil, will be beneficial to guiding those to their purpose.

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