The Self Development Of Self Esteem

"The self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates." -- Thomas Szasz (1920-) American Psychiatrist

"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody."
-- Longfellow

"A man may fall many times but he won't be a failure until he says someone pushed him." -- Elmer G. Letterman

"There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way." -- Anonymous

"If you're not giving the world the best you have, what world are you saving it for?" -- Kent Keith

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each one of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in
the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation." -- Robert F. Kennedy

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life." -- Greg Anderson

"Because you are in control of your life.  Don't ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and
subconscious choices you have made."-- Barbara Hall

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he had imagined, he will
meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -- Henry David Thoreau

"I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to
concentrate myself on one subject at a time." -- Charles Dickens

Free Articles on Self Development :

Concentrate On The Positive Things
Optimism in human brain is an essential to our happiness and success. Even if you are now facking with a difficult situation you can win at the end of all of it if you just stay positive and do not give up.....

Do You Know What Motivates You
To find your true motivator, make a list of your most exciting accomplishments. Think about the times when you felt energized at work or when you looked forward to going to work. Scan your resume and look for key words........

4 Essential Pillars of Motivation To Get Motivated
When we look at these found pillars of motivation, what do you really see? The thing that I immediately notice is that they all involve other people, whether they are peers, mentors, family members, or simply fellows of the human........

Keys to Making Your Dreams Happen
Too many of us surrender our dreams to others, chance, or the direction of a passing wind. For some reason, we are trained to think that dreams just somehow happen or that they can only happen if someone takes us under.........

Motivate Yourself When You Lose Your Motivation
How do you know if you lose your motivation? Well the first obvious sign is things that you used to get exited about are no longer exciting to you anymore. It can be a car, a relationship, a job, a pet or anything. You feel tired......

When Thoughts Become The Real Things
We don't really judge people by what they say but rather by what they do. We judge people by their behaviour and by their actions. The reason for this is that deep down inside we all know that words have no real power........ 

Master The Key To Self Motivation
I recently read Steve Chandler’s 100 ways to motivate yourself and there is this thing he calls “Give away some power”. I thought of it and made the conclusion that it might as well be called the “Master Key to Self-Motivation”.......

Show Your True Self - Don't Be Afraid
In modern society, it's all about having a positive and strong image of yourself. When you go to work, you want to look intelligent and confident. You want to make smart decisions and take appropriate actions.......

Are You Living A Purposeful Life?
Finding your purpose may take some time and thought because what you are doing is very important and very meaningful. You are going to create your personal mission statement. Nothing is more important than that mission........

Lessons From a Two Year Old To Conquer Fear
My two year old daughter is the bravest person I know.  Last week, she had to undergo an in-depth physical examination, which included lots of poking and prodding, and strange sterile places and smells. The whole event.........

Five Quick Steps for Victory To Conquer Fear
What is holding you back in life? Can you pinpoint the problem? Fear can prevent you from reaching your goals. Fear is the greatest enemy of high performers. Your fears are not logical because they aren’t based on rational.......

Keep Going, Don't Stop Short of The Gold
Welcome failure and use it as a measuring stick. When you're defeated, look for the lesson. What do you need to change in your approach, your mindset, your environment?  Using a modern day example, I've been working........

Vision Statement - Keep It On Track
To take advantage of your Dreams to Achieve Your True Worth you need to start seeing your life as it will be as you start living in your True Worth, your new lifestyle. But how do you do this since you only see your life in it’s......... 

Are Your Goals Moving - Where Are You Going?
When you have a powerful vision of a future that you are designing and you have a passion for wanting to create a particular outcome then not much can stop you from taking action toward your target of intent.........

Have Massive Success Tomorrow By Getting Started Today
Procrastination will kill your dreams faster than you can even have them.  Here's the simple, straight forward reason why: You can't succeed at something until it exists.  Or, put another way: everything that physically exists........

Think About It - Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Think about it, what if the chicken crossed the road to grow, to seek opportunity, to discover a better life. Let's not bash its self-confidence, maybe it has a big dream.  Why is the chicken never given credit for stepping over........

Self Motivation Secrets - Techniques That Work
We can learn a hundred ways to improve our lives, but then hesitate to act. Something less important catches our attention, or we just don't feel like doing what we need to do. Even a person who is normally highly motivated........

Always Hesitate To Act Now - Do Not Wait!
If you think you have dramatically contributed to your self, your family, your society and your world, you are encouraged by me to do more, and if you think you have not contributed anything, it is time for you to act now........

Your Burning Desire and The Mental Game
There are four types of people in this world: the Living Dead, the Dreamers, the Achievers and the Exponentially Successful. We have all met the Living Dead. They tend to suck the energy right out of us. They have given up.........

How A Tragedy Helped Me To Increase Self-Confidence
I am the type of person who always saw life as one big struggle. I thought that I had it tough, that I was so unfortunate. To say that I worried about things was an understatement. I stressed so much that my hair began to turn grey.......

Self Improvement Motivation With Positive Habits
Our habits dictate the quality of life we experience. If you procrastinate, talk negatively to yourself and allow fear to rule, you are going to have a very stressful life overflowing with anxiety and sadness. I know, because that.......

Love Growth And Change And You Will Be A Success
When most people begin to try something for the first time, it usually doesn’t turn out particularly well. It doesn’t mean we are bad, or stupid, or anything like that, it just means that most things of any complexity take awhile.......

The Six 'C's' Towards a Successful Mindset
Do you have an area of your life/business where you aren't as successful as you know you can be? Have you noticed a 'stop- start' pattern for yourself? Do you know how prosperous you should be based on your potential.......

Your Self-improvement Journey - Tips To Jump Start
Where do you stand with yourself? This can be hard to evaluate because often we try and think of what other people have told us about ourselves, but if you sit and just think about it for a little bit you can usually come.......

Self-Empowerment Leads To Self-Improvement And Success In Your Life
Have you run across an individual who is so naturally friendly that when you put them inside a room of strangers, they are friends with almost everyone in no time? This is called a people person, someone unbelievably........

Really Sure You Want What You Think You Want?
As a culture, we’re enchanted with overnight success stories. We love movies where the shy person is “discovered” to be a singer, and suddenly he’s on tour, riding around in limousines and signing autographs. We love to.......

Happiness Is Something You Do
How can anyone know when they're happy? What does happiness mean? Predictably, the term means different things to different people at different times in their lives. For myself, I like the definition 'An enduring feeling ........

What’s holding me back? What are you Afraid of?
There is someone calling to you right now – who is it?  It’s the person you want to become. Who is that person? Is this person happier? Wealthier? Thinner? More energetic? More powerful? Whoever this person is........

Personal Change To Make Life A Daring-Do Adventure
When we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory position that is due to circumstances beyond our control, such as a job we no longer enjoy or people we no longer like, most of us try to change the situation.......

Ten Misconceptions of Your Mission on Earth and What is it Not?
There is no such thing as a life mission and everything is just a coincidence. There is no such thing as Coincidence. We were sent down to Earth with a mission: to increase our ability to love. Everybody’s mission is unique..........

Grow and Bloom and Come Alive
As Mother Nature awakens, it is easy to get swept up in the energy of rebirth and starting anew. Take advantage of her powerful spring energy and gain inspiration to begin the very thing that you have been putting..........

Always Developed An Optimistic Attitude
You've probably heard the phrase, "Expect the Best, but Prepare for the Worst." Do you really expect the best? Or are you just waiting for something negative to happen so you can say, "Everything always goes........ 

Are They Obstacles or Are The Stepping Stones

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