Ward Boredom Away and Keep Your Motivation in the Workplace

Here are some self help tips on how to ward away boredom and keep you motivation in the workplace which hopefully will increase your career success.

  • Never do the same task for two long, that will kill your motivation
  • Try to take breaks every half an hour. Get up and walk or do some stretching exercises - good for your job motivation 
  • Try to alternate between two boring tasks. This will reduce the boredom in both tasks by 50% and thus increase motivation 
  • If you have someone else with you who is doing the same job, try exchanging jobs with the person, it will increase work motivation for both. 
  • Talk about your job to a sympathetic listener who can give you encouragement and thus bring about motivation
  • It's motivating to reward yourself once you have done a job well

  • If you have an uninteresting job left to do, write it down and pin it somewhere in your work station so that you can see it and constantly be reminded about it until you do it. That's motivational. 

  • Try to make your work environment more attractive by pinning up some motivating words or some pleasant wall posters, preferably something that makes you smile. Those ‘Dennis the Menace’ posters are really wonderful for your job motivation. 

  • If you are allowed, try playing some soft music while you work. This can boost your job motivation

  • Write down a list of not-so-interesting job tasks that you have done and pin it up. It just tells you that if you have done it before, then you can surely do it again. 

  • If possible, keep a small potted plant near your work station; watching it grow is a wonderful source of inspiration and motivation. 

  • Relaxment can make you more motivated for your work, Take time to relax, just sit back and close your eyes and hum a favorite tune for a minute or two. But do not fall asleep! 
Most of the points for increasing job motivation mentioned above are self explanatory but I would like to elaborate on one point and that is reward your self! This is one tactic that I have found to work wonders with me when it comes to motivation at work. If you have finished doing a job, you have every right and reason to reward yourself. All the more if the task was a boring one or one that involved a deadline.

The reward does not have to be any thing great. It can be something like treating yourself to a good dinner in a favorite restaurant or it could be a simple chocolate bar if you have a sweet tooth. But, if you are a weight watcher it would be best if you could buy yourself something material that does not just go down your throat. If it is something that can be displayed in your work station, then it’s all the better. Many such cute (but practically useless) baubles are available in most gift shops.

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