Standard Posting Keys Available In SAP

How may posting keys does a company have?

Following are the  standard posting keys available in SAP.

PK AccTy D/C Posting key name 
01 C D Invoice 
02 C D Reverse credit memo 
03 C D Bank charges 
04 C D Other receivables 
05 C D Outgoing payment 
06 C D Payment difference 
07 C D Other clearing 
08 C D Payment clearing 
09 C D Special G/L debit 
0A C D CH Bill.doc. Deb 
0B C D CH Cancel.Cred.memoD 
0C C D CH Clearing Deb 
0X C D CH Clearing Cred 
0Y C D CH Credit memo Cred 
0Z C D CH Cancel.BillDocDeb 
11 C C Credit memo 
12 C C Reverse invoice 
13 C C Reverse charges 
14 C C Other payables 
15 C C Incoming payment 
16 C C Payment difference 
17 C C Other clearing 
18 C C Payment clearing 
19 C C Special G/L credit 
1A C C CH Cancel.Bill.docDe 
1B C C CH Credit memo Deb 
1C C C CH Credit memo Deb 
1X C C CH Clearing Cred 
1Y C C CH Cancel.Cr.memo C 
1Z C C CH Bill.doc. Cred 
21 V D Credit memo 
22 V D Reverse invoice 
24 V D Other receivables 
25 V D Outgoing payment 
26 V D Payment difference 
27 V D Clearing 
28 V D Payment clearing 
29 V D Special G/L debit 
31 V C Invoice 
32 V C Reverse credit memo 
34 V C Other payables 
35 V C Incoming payment 
36 V C Payment difference 
37 V C Other clearing 
38 V C Payment clearing 
39 V C Special G/L credit 
40 G D Debit entry 
50 G C Credit entry 
70 A D Debit asset 
75 A C Credit asset 
80 G D Stock initial entry 
81 G D Costs 
83 G D Price difference 
84 G D Consumption 
85 G D Change in stock 
86 G D GR/IR debit 
89 M D Stock inwrd movement 
90 G C Stock initial entry 
91 G C Costs 
93 G C Price difference 
94 G C Consumption 
95 G C Change in stock 
96 G C GR/IR credit 
99 M C Stock outwd movement 

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