Upgrading a Windows Partition When Dualbooting

I dual boot between Windows 98 and Suse Linux 8.1. I want to upgrade my Windows installation and stick either 2k or XP on there. Assuming I format the Windows partition and move to NTFS, what necessary steps will I have to take to be able to retrieve my Linux partition?

I suspect that Windows will overwrite the MBR, which I guess is where the Suse grub OS selector menu lives. How can I restore the MBR so that the OS menu is displayed and I can continue to dual-boot between the two OS'?

When the new Windows OS and Linux are existing side by side, will Suse continue to mount the new Windows partition, or do I need to change any config files so that it knows the Windows partition
has changed?

I suspect that I will need to build a rescue disc using Yast or the command line for this. If anyone can give me a list of steps to guide me through the process, that would be great - or can anyone
point me in the direction of a knowledge base article, website etc?

I use SuSE 7.3  and 8.1 now with win2k.
to go from win98 to win2k I make a boot disc. for SuSE. then when win2k was done booted into SuSE with disc and used yast2 to reinstall the boot loader on the HD.
yast2 is good it fined all win partition I have used.


make a linux boot floppy. when you get done
installing win2k, boot with the floppy and run lilo to reinstall in in the MBR.


you can probably access your linux partition with the original install CD

Linux X Window Problem

I'm having problem with my Linux OS. My Linux OS is not booting completely, While booting when X window tries to start a blank screen with login screen comes and flikers. Can any one tell me Is it ok if I reinstall OS. Will it damage to my data reinstalling the same, as I have not taken backup of my Data.

Providing you don't format your partitions during install you should be OK but a complete reinstall sounds a little drastic....why not just try to fix your X server? What errors are coming up in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?

I was trying to reinstall Linux but it gave me an error Media Problem Low Disk Space while loading and displayed message to make some space and after I clicked OK it rebooted. Can you or any one can help me how can I take backup of the Hard Disk on other system.

Have you got a spare hard drive? If so put that in, install your version of GNU/Linux onto that and then grab any data off the original hard drive. It may be a good idea to actually switch the drives first so that the boot loader gets installed onto the newer drive meaning that at a later date you can remove the old drive and install it into another machine if need be.

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