Shell Script That Check Reports Login Logout

How to write a shell script that checks and reports on who logs in and who logs out?

The who command gives time when the user logged in.


$ LANG=C who -s

gssjgu:/g/g00k00/gssjgu/TMP> LANG=C who -s

gssjgu      pts/1       Jul  4 15:06    ( 

getk00      pts/2       Jul  4 08:54    ( 

gti001      pts/3       Jun 22 15:38    ( 


The following script display information’s about users who logged in since n minutes (n can be specified as a parameter of the script, the default value is 5).


$ cat


typeset -i SINCE=${1:-5}


# Get current date


date '+%Y +%m %d %H %M' | read year month day hour min


# Compute timestamp for current date minus $SINCE minutes 

# format 'mmddHHMM' ('cal' command usage)


(( min  -= SINCE ))

(( min  <  0 )) && { (( min += 60 )) ; (( hour -= 1 )) }

(( hour <  0 )) && { (( hour += 24 )) ; (( day -= 1 )) }

(( day  <=  0 )) && { 

   (( month -= 1 ))

   (( month <= 0 )) && { (( month=12 )) ; (( year -= 1 )) }

   day=$(cal $month $year | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print $NF}')


ts5=$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" $month $day $hour $min) 


# Determine users logged on since $SINCE minutes

# (Based on 'who -s' command)'


LANG=C who -s |

awk -v ts5="$ts5" -F '[ \t:]*' '

   function to_timestamp(month, day, hour, min) {

      m = index("___,jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec,", "," tolower(month) ",")/4;

      return sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d", m, day, hour, min);


   to_timestamp($3, $4, $5, $6) >= ts5





$ LANG=C date

Wed Jul  4 15:22:04 DFT 2012


$ 30

gssjgu      pts/1       Jul  4 15:06    ( 



last command will give you the last logins including any current login.

Try using the -n option for last n logins


last -n

Last searches back through the file /var/log/wtmp (or the file designated by the -f flag) and displays a list of all users logged in (and out) since that file was created. Names of users and tty's can be given, in which case last will show only those entries matching the arguments.

Check out the man page for last.

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See Also
Script Daemon to Listen On a Port

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