Sed Command Using Variables


I tried to use a shell script to do a for loop: 

for i in (5, 10, 15, 20) do; 
sed 's/bpp=64/bpp=$i/g' myfile.c > myfile2.c 

However, each time it executes, "bpp=64" becomes "bpp=$i" instead of 
"bpp=5" ...... 

How to make the $i inside sed command to be a real variable. 


For variables double quote, for wyswyg characters single quote. Concatenate when both are present:


#if there were regular ocurrences of $ you could concatenate:

sed  's/bpp=64/bpp='"$i/g"  myfile.c  >  myfile2.c 

#if you only use $ for variables, just double quote:

sed  "s/bpp=64/bpp=$i/g"  myfile.c  >  myfile2.c


I want to use variables in a script using a sed command line. How can I do?

Imagine there's a file containing on each line a number ("2" on the first line of the file "file1"). I want to stock the number on a given line. For example I want the number of the first line. I'd like to to something like that : sed -n '1,1p' file1 but with variables, like that :

In this case, i would be equal to 1
sed -n 'var2' file1

How can I do that ?


sed s/$var1/$var2/ file

this goes to stndout, so just redirect to a new file if necessary

sed s/$var1/$var2/ file > newfile


I would like to use 'sed' to edit a file by searching for a fixed string and replacing it with an environment variable that is dynamically set with, in this case, the current date and time.

I'm trying this format of the command:

sed 's/XXXXXX/${env_var}/' filein.txt

The command replaces the 'XXXXXX' with literally '${env_var}' and not the interpretation of the variable. I have set the variable before trying to run this command.

It appears 'sed' will only replace using literally what's between the delimiter characters.

Any way to do this?


Change your single quotes to double quotes in your sed command. 

Double quotes allow shell expansion; single quotes protect from shell expansion.

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