Resize A Konsole Window


Is it a bug that when I resize a konsole window, apparently some applications (bash especially) do not realize that they now live in a different world? 

In the bash tab during the window resize, everything is fine. It is in the other bash tabs that I get weird line-end results. 


I was just reading about this this morning.

Bash isn't using the full width of the terminal after I resize it

When you resize a terminal, it sends a SIGWINCH signal to the process running inside it. If the current foreground process is not bash(1), but another process (eg less(1), tail(1), or whatever), then only that process receives the signal. The shell is then left with outdated size information.

The best way to fix this is to set the checkwinsize shell option:

shopt -s checkwinsize

Bash will now check the size every time it displays a prompt. Other shells (such as zsh(1)) seem to do this automatically, and don't have a corresponding option.

A one-off workaround is to send SIGWINCH to the shell yourself:

kill -WINCH $$

($$ is a variable containing the shell's own PID.)


Therefore only one bash instance (in your case) is receiving the SIGWINCH signal.

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