Question Marks in ed

I typed the following commands:


176 lab2-37:~> ed newb.txt
Hello World.
I need some sentences to edit.

add the script
add the script

Please note the second-to-last line: I want to quit the ed, so I typed q, but instead of quitting immediately, the ed gave me a question mark, why?


You had not written the file. Another q will exit.


Thanx. I know why now.


     If changes have been made in the buffer  since  the  last  w command  that wrote the entire buffer, ed will warn the user
     if an attempt is made to destroy the editor buffer via the e or q commands. The ed utility will write the string:


     (followed by an explanatory message if help  mode  has  been enabled  via the H command) to standard output and
     will continue  in  command  mode  with  the  current   line   number unchanged.  If the e or q command is repeated with
     no intervening command, it will take effect.


I'm a little bit confused about ed. What's the use of ed since there are such more powerful editors like vim, emacs, etc.?


ed is a really old editor, and beleive it or not, there are old systems like telephone switches that the only text editor available is ed. This is when I learned it and still use it.

Another use is when you have several things in a window you want to paste into a file, but don't want to lose it (by opening vi), you can use ed and accomplish this. Of course a second window will do the same thing.

Given the choice, most people will use vi (including me).

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