Introduction to Linux

What is Linux?

Linux is a free operating system. It is far more advanced and powerful when compared with windows. I am using Redhat Linux version 7.1 which is very much stable than windows. Its a version of UNIX and all the programs on UNIX can be run on Linux also. This operating system was developed by Linux Torvalds Say cheers to him for his work. you may be a programmer, or just a computer user, or just a tech geek, you will find Linuux interesting and challenging to do new things with it.


ls         -lists the content in the directory
           Options: type man ls for options in text prompt
           ex: ls -a, ls -C, etc

cat       - displays what’s in the file, creates new file, appends one file to another, etc.
           Options: type man cat for options in text prompt.
          ex: cat yogi.txt displays the contents of file yogi.txt
               cat > yogi.txt brings down a cursor where in you can enter the text or
                        what ever you want to type and press ctrl-d to save the file.

               cat yogi.txt>yogi1.txt copies the contents of yogi.txt to yogi1.txt.
                        if yogi1.txt is already present then it will erase the contents
                       of yogi1.txt and put the contents of yogi.txt in it.

               cat yogi.txt>>yogi1.txt copies the contents of yogi.txt to yogi1.txt
                      but here it adds the contents to the end of file(original contents of yogi1.txt will be restored as it is).

Shell Programming:

for dos users: its something like batch files but much more powerful than batch files.

Shell programming is a kind of programming ideal for small utilities that performs relatively simple tasks. ex: displaying time in specified format, moving files from one directory to another in a specified way(like pictures in pic directory and texts in txts directory)etc.,

Before going further learn shell programming first.

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