Common Linux Commands and Frequently Used Options

Can some one show me a shell script to remove all the files in a folder, which older than 3 days as compared to today's date.

$ find /path/to/folder -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} \;

When using the ls -l command, how to pause the listing so that I can see everything in a directory.
Also, how to find out the version of Linux I'm using? When I type uname -a I am informed that I am using Linux but not what kind.

use the more command
ls -l | more

Sometimes the file /etc/issue has OS details if present.

cat /etc/issue

Personally I prefer "ls -l | less" as I can then scroll the output both up and down one line at a time if I want to. 

          Frequent Linux Commands:

dmesg List contents of the kernel message buffer
grep thisword thisfile List any lines from thisfile that contain thisword
netstat -t List active TCP connections
ping Ping remote host
ps axu Provide detailed list of running processes
su username run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
tar czf archive.tgz  . Pack contents of current directory into the compressed archive file archive.tgz
tar xzf archive.tgz Unpack the contents of the compressed archive file archive.tgz
traceroute Show the network path to
w Show users currently logged on and system statistics

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Frequently Used Options
See also common Linux Commands

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