Preparing for JC Economics - Singapore Junior College

CSQ - Case Study Questions


When preparing for your A-level Economics examination for CSQ, you have read extracts carefully and link them appropriately to economic principles, which will undermine the development of economic causation and diagrammatic illustration. 

Do not simply study your lecture notes and neglect empirical application.  Improve your knowledge by reading the newspaper and take notes which relates to economic from micro, regional and international entities.

Actual A-Level Examination

Identify Type of Questions

Read the questions and identify whether the questions require data handling, low order explanation or higher order evaluative answers.

A very important aspect is the application of answers into the real world situations.


During the actual A-level Economics exam, highlight the main phrases in extracts and relating them to economic principles.  You may then need to extract and quote them to derive evidence to support the economic causation.


Provide your perspectives in your discussion of the questions so that it becomes logical and convincing to the examiners.  Your organization of the answers is important as it ensures that the presentation of your key points is correct and relevant.

Write in an orderly and systematic structure and give precise and clear answer.

Understand the nature of discussion and be clear about your economic causation and expression and give proper explanation of economic process and provide an analysis of causation, evaluation and the illustration of economic principles.

Students who can use proper economic terms and processes will attain better grades.

Graphical Explanation

Make sure to label any diagrams you draw and show the changes in curves to support the economic explanation.  During the process of describing the graph, explain your intended effects of your graph.


To excel in the A-Level Economics requires regular reading, writing and effort with persistence practice.


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