Backorder Processing

Backorder processing is a functionality in SAP where you can change the committments and over-ride the blockage of stocks
marked against sales documents/deliveries. For e.g. you receive an order from a very important customer for material "A" but
the entire quantity of A is committed to another customer "B" via earlier sales orders and this is where BACKORDER processing helps you to change the committment and shift stock due for B to A. This is the benefit of this funtionality.

OMIH - Checking rule for updating backorders
OPJL   - Define new checking rule
OPJJ   - Define scope of check

V_RA - Backorder Processing

Data selection:-
Sold-to-party             Customer code            Mandatory
Sales Organization                                         Mandatory
Distribution Channel                                       Mandatory
Division                                                         Mandatory

Changed confirmed quantity :-
Tick the material you want to changed and click the Backorder button
Confirmed quantity that still can be changed are highlighted.

V.15 - Backorder List
Sales Organization                                         Mandatory
Distribution Channel                                       Mandatory
Division                                                         Mandatory

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