Viber Online Status 24 Hours - ByPass Share Online Status


If you are using Viber apps, this might be very helpful for you!

Recently, I've discovered a little "trick" to bypass the Share Online Status.

If you use Viber, you might know that it can only be changed once every 24 hours. By doing a simple trick, it resets the setting.


In order to access the Share Online Status setting, follow the steps below: 

1. Open Viber

2. Click on the Menu icon on the bottom right hand side.

3. Click on Settings

4. Click on Privacy

Now at the top, it should have a setting named 'Share Online Status', its enabled by default (users can see your online status). Once you untick the box, it will disable the setting and it will not allow you to change it back until the next day (24HR period)

This is how you can get away with this  :

1. Close Viber

2. Go to Settings (on Android OS)

3. Go to Application Manager (or Apps in different Roms)

4. Scroll down to Viber and click on it

5. Wait until the Clear Data button enables (usually takes few seconds to enable)

6. Press on Clear Data button


NOTE: It will also remove login data from the Viber application, so you will have to re-login (setup) on Viber application. 

7. Press on OK to confirm (Clear Data)

8. Now open up Viber, it will ask you Continue and enter your mobile number to setup the account

9. Once you setup the account, go to Settings -> Privacy

10. And now you can see that the Share Online Status setting is re-enabled 

Hope this helps.

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