Shifting Towards a Positive Mindset

"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of 
determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."  *-- Jesse Owens

"Life is a romantic business, but you have to make the romance."
*-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed.
They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats."  *-- B.C. Forbes


In the words of Henry Ford, "If you believe you can or you can't, your probably right".

The most essential ingredient is having the correct mindset. The 'Law of Attraction' dictates that 'what you think about, and the emotion associated to that thought directly determines your outcomes. Ultimately you need to reprogram your subconscious in order to attain that positive mindset.

Strategies for shifting to a positive mindset:

- Write down your own affirmations. 

This is a must because they must be your own. Read them aloud every morning and night and any time you mind is not required to be focused on another task. Read positive books or listen to Podcast/CD's to inspire you and conjure emotions that make you feel empowered and positively energized. 

- Surround yourself with positive people. 

You are who your friends are. Make a point of masterminding with your peers weekly. Have a media fast. Who really needs the evening news anyway. You will be amazed at different your view of the world is when you are no longer bombarded with the hype and sensationalism of mainstream media. Be grateful for all that you have and give thanks on a daily basis. It can be the simplest of things like being lucky enough to be born in a place that has an abundant supply of fresh drinking water

- Clear the clutter around your home and office. 

A good measure of your mindset is to look at your desk. Is it tidy and organized or is it a jumbled mess? Spend at least 10 minutes each day visualizing what your new life looks and feels like. You should be focused on the end goal and not the getting there. Really feel the emotion - the happiness, empowerment and satisfaction that you will have once you have achieved your goal.

- Listen to your self talk during your affirmations. 

You can listen while doing other things and even while listening to other information such as audio programs. It's subliminal so it gets through to your subconscious faster than you can on your own. 

- Alternative Beside Watching TV

There is no quicker way to feel the weight of the world as instantly as watching the evening news or reading the morning paper. Find other ways to obtain the necessary information you require each day. Once you try it, you'll likely never go back. Take it to the next level by not watching any TV or other electronic entertainment. Read a book, write an article on your favorite topic, post a blog, finish that project you keep putting off. 

There are many ways to entertain yourself away from the TV. Not to mention all that extra time you will have for other things. Whatever you do always ask yourself, is this getting me to where I want to be. If not stop immediately and move on to something that will. 

- Gratitude

Give thanks each and every day for all that have in your life. From the air that you breath to good fortune that you have. No matter how big or small, express your gratitude. 

- Visualization

The most important factor to success is visualization. When you wake up in the morning and before bed at night, spend 10 minutes on your visualizations.


Follow this simple approach and you'll only have two daily items to schedule - that is, listening to cd's or reading books AND daily visualization. The rest gets handled behind the scenes, and effortlessly on your part through self talk and affirmations.

If you follow the streamlined guide above you will soon begin to maintain focus, your productivity and energy will increasing dramatically and at the same time you'll be decreasing the effort required to keep yourself in the mindset that produces the results you're looking for.

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