Making The Things Happen

"Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of its 
immense benefits to the one who forgives."
*-- Lawana Blackwell

"Do what you can where you are with what you've got."
*-- Theodore Roosevelt

"A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."
*-- St. Francis of Assisi

"We are all given the tools, but it is up to us what we decide to build and how magnificent it will be."  Steven Ferrel

Goals are fantastic to have, but many times challenges surface that make it difficult for a goal to mature. Many may never start toward their goal because of doubt in their abilities. Some do not attempt the actions required to make their goals a reality. While others do not allow the right mental conditions to exist for fruition of their dreams.

Those who do not have a strong belief in their abilities, usually have to see it first to believe it can happen. Many things were once invisible and started as a thought, as this article once was. We cannot see our thoughts this does not mean they do not exist. Electricity is invisible – it has no form – but it is very real as anyone who has felt the intense power of electrocution can attest. If you felt extreme pain when someone you deeply care about passed on, you have experienced the power of the invisible. It may manifest itself into tears or expressions of sadness, but it originated from within, that invisible place. What comes from within are the most wonderful and powerful forces of all. Our bodies have certain limitations, but our true inner self, has none. Open your mind to the possibilities of boundless dreams that all begins within you, where our true beauty resides. Until you go beyond the limitations of your form, you will not be able to live your life to its fullest potential and truly experience your dreams.

Remember clarity is power so make it clear what you need to do in order to achieve your goal. Without a map, you may encounter detours that you could have avoided if you had one.

The next and most important step is to take a step, and keep stepping until you achieve your desired result. You must be proactive to achieve your goal. That means do the things you need to do to achieve your goal. Ask yourself what actions do I need to take to make this goal a reality, and then do them. Without action, nothing is accomplished. You can always change your direction when your view becomes heightened, but the engine has to be moving in order to make progress. It is not what you can do, but what you do do that counts.

Finally, nourish your mind with healthy thoughts. Jesus Christ said, “As you think so shall you be.” What we think about expands in our minds. If we do not focus on a goal long enough – it will be difficult for it to mature into form (the visible). When we use a magnifying glass to start a fire, in order for it to work the focus must be on a certain spot for a length of time and the conditions must be right. If it is only held for a short time, or if there is too little sunlight, it will not accomplish what was intended. Focus constantly on thoughts that will empower you while doing the things you need to do to achieve your goals. This will allow for the right conditions and eventually it will become second nature. When this occurs, you will be in the habit of assuming peak performance levels at most times. This will facilitate the process of attaining your goals.

Most of us have heard that the most important thing about goals is having one. Do your true self a favor and let one of your goals be to nourish and allow your true self to come into form living your life without limitations.

To Transforming the Invisible Into The Visible! Steven

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