Good Reasons Why You Need to Act on Your Goals Right NOW

Like many other people, I'll bet that you have a lot of ideas that pass through your mind from time to time. You know... the ideas that you have when you think to yourself: "one day I am going to..."

Well, here are five good reasons why you need to act on those thoughts and ideas NOW:

Reason Number 1: 

You could die first. Morbid, I know. However, death comes to all of us sooner or later. It's not unheard of for people to be struck by lightning and killed instantly. Rare, but not unheard of. It's not inconceivable that a person could be taken by a shark and killed while swimming in the ocean either. That's rare too but it does happen. Add to incidents like those the very real possibility of being the victim of a road crash or a heart attack and you begin to realize that there are literally hundreds of ways that life can be extinguished. These things happen every moment of every day to someone. So, whatever your dream - do it NOW!

Reason Number 2: 

Somebody else could beat you to it. How often have you heard a person exclaim: "Damn! I had that idea years ago." So what happened? Another person committed time and effort and got the job done before you. Now they are reaping the rewards that you could have had while you are left regretting your missed opportunity. So, whatever your idea - do it NOW!

Reason Number 3: 

Technology has passed you by. Remember the old door to door encyclopedia salespeople. Some of these salespeople made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling these volumes. They would make an appointment with you, come into your home and show you all the beautiful samples. Today, all that information can be contained on a DVD. Similarly, CD players and iPods have superseded record players. You need to get that creation of yours out into the marketplace before it is rendered obsolete by technology. So, whatever you are conceiving - do it NOW!

Reason Number 4: 

The fashion, fad or taste has come and gone. Once upon a time a cylindrical piece of plastic called a hula-hoop was all the rage. So were yo-yos, platform shoes, flared jeans, paisley shirts and many other items. By procrastinating and wasting time that wave that you could have ridden all the way to the beach has spent itself. It is now receding backwards into the ocean from whence it came. Like a surfer, maybe you could keep waiting for another wave. But maybe the weather will change and totally becalm you. Why take the risk? So, whatever your invention - do it NOW!

Reason Number 5: 

The longer you wait the more you condition yourself to keep waiting. This is called procrastination. You will forever be known as a "gunna." One day I'm gunna do that! Yeah, sure you will. Whatever it is that you're "gunna" do - do it NOW!

So there you have it - five good reasons why you should do it now. Why allow any one of those five reasons to cancel your success?

When you get into the action habit you will ensure that nothing will ever stop you again. Do it NOW!


Quotes for today:

"If you want to know your past; look into your present conditions.  If you want to know your future; look into your present actions."
*-- Chinese Proverb

"If you know peace, then you thrive; if you know contentment, then you are rich."
*-- Su Shi 

"The block of granite, which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, became a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong."
*-- Thomas Carlyle

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