Where do RPMs install to

I have installed a rpm successfully and now I want to run it. What do i do to run it?
I Have tried typing the name of the rpm packagine into the ternminal with no avail.


Type this at a command prompt (in a terminal):
# rpm -ql packagename

(replacing packagename with the name of the package you installed)

That command will list the filenames (and their locations) of the installed package.

For example:

filename: igal-1.4-1.noarch.rpm

(installed by "rpm -i igal-1.4-1.noarch.rpm")

# rpm -ql igal

# /usr/local/bin/igal


# cd /usr/local/bin
# ./igal

(Look for files to execute in "bin" directories, possibly by entering this:

# rpm -ql packagename|grep "bin"

This will help filter out those files.)

Enter this for further info on your package:

# rpm -qi packagename

Good luck.


Whenever I try doing anything you said above it will just say package X is not installed. I have tried including the .i386 and the .rpm at the end but it always says not installed

Any ideas?


rpm -qa|sort|less
rpm -qa|grep -i part_of_packageName
rpm -qa|grep -i xfree

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