Setting Up CVS On Debian

How to install CVS on Debian 

Install the CVS follow these steps:

1. Install cvs and cvsd

#apt-get install cvs cvsd

When configuring cvsd I was asked which repositories to serve. I typed ‘/cvs’.
 This means my repository will be available at

2. Initialize the repository

#cvs -d /var/lib/cvsd/cvs init

3. Allow write access to repository

#chown cvsd:cvsd /var/lib/cvsd/cvs

4. Allow history file to be written

#chown cvsd:cvsd /var/lib/cvsd/cvs/CVSROOT/history

5. Add developer use account

#cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/cvs  kk

6. Allow developer to write to repository

#echo "kk" /var/lib/cvsd/cvs/writers

After you've done that, your CVS pserver is ready to go. Now, from a remote system (in our case it is running Debian), you can access the repository.

#export CVSROOT=:pserver:username@servername:/cvs

#cvs login

From this point on you can use the remote CVS repository just like a local repository. You just have to try and remember to logout when you are done working with CVS.

#cvs logoutAssuming that you have a project held in a directory on the local machine which you wish to import simply run:#cd ~/project#cvs -d 

:pserver:username@servername:/cvs import -m "first import" project username release

Once this is done you can move to a different directory and try to check it out:#cvs -d /home/cvs/ checkout project

If that works then you are done.

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