Killing Processes Command

I know how to kill processes. I want to write a script that will kill all the processes for a particular user excluding the virtual terminal that he/she is currently using.
For example, I have user admin running a process called rtsvis and they loose connection to the server. The process continues to run. when they back in, they get assigned a new tty and start a new process of rtsvis. I want to kill the old process without killing the one they are currently running on the new tty.

As root:
# su - username -c 'kill -9 -1'

How to kill a user on a shell

How you would kill a user on a remote shell, I know you can list them by doing who, but I have no clue how to kill a user.

Do `who -u` to get a list of the current logins. `who -uH` if you want colnumn headers.
Then use the kill command followed by the Process ID (PID) ex. `kill 1234`
If that doesn't kill it (because its hung or thinking really really hard) you can do `kill -9 1234` where 1234 is the PID and it will kill it imidiatly...

To kill off all of a users processes at once:
# su - username -c 'kill -9 -1'

Kill is Not Working Within awk

I need to run this script to protect the user1 from more than 30% cpu usage.  But kill is not working within awk.  What should I do?


ps -fuU user1 >> psFile

awk '{ if( $3 > "30")
kill -9 $2 }' psFile
rm psFile

Calling an external command requires to use the system command such as this:
system("kill -9 $2")

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