Get Two Strings Next To Known String

I have a file named file.txt with contents given below:

/href="artifact/">RRSAdmin- </li></ul></td></tr><tr><td><a></td><td style="vertical-align:middle"><a>No changes.</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table width="100%"><tr><td id="footer"><span style="padding-right:2em; color:gray">

In this I want to extract only the version number ( which change with the file). I don't want to use command: cut. Also as you can see, the string on both sides of version number is known ( but vary with file) which is available as a variable ($VAR1 and $VAR2).


OK, based on your spec, the version is:

var1 is RRSAdmin (the field before the version field if the field seperator is /)
var2 is: -SNAPSHOT (the string after the version)

This awk script should do it:



totvar=$(awk ' BEGIN { FS="/" }
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++)
   if(match($i, "^[0-9]") )
      # field before version
      # version removing unwanted chars
      gsub("[A-Za-z-]","" ,$i)
      # remove version giving field after version
      gsub("[0-9.]","" ,var2)
      printf("%s %s %s", var1, $i, var2)
} ' file.txt)

# parse the variable string from awk
set - $(echo $totvar) 
echo "var1 is: $1"
echo "version is: $2"
echo "var2 is: $3"

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