File Permission in Linux

Need to change the user permissions i.e
$ touch myfile
$ls -l myfile


$chmod u=+x myfile

Here I also want to give the execute prmission to the user but the list command shows (Read & Write also removed why ?)
$ls -l

Yes the other way is to use the number(Octal) i.e
$chmod 700 myfile

$ls -l myfile


By using 744 with chmod it can show me desire desire result.  How can I adjuct it by using Owner,Group & Others

Example chmod u=+r,+w,+x
So that I can view the the user have rwx permission.

Why do u use chmod command as chmod u=+x that's a bit strange syntax. Don't you get any errors when you do that??
If you just want to add execute permission on file use

chmod u+x filename

and you will see that x is ADDED and nothing is removed.

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