Why does your business need an Autoresponder?

Suppose you have a website with 500 visitors a day, and one in fifty of them requests information. That's ten e-mails you're going to have to send manually for the next few days or weeks. And tomorrow you get another ten, and the next day another ten... can you imagine how complicated managing this process could be?

Each visitor to your site who requests more information is a hot lead for your home business. Don't ignore these people. Don't let these prospects fade away because you don't have time to personally contact them. Persistently go after the sale. These potential clients will likely be buying from somewhere. It should be from your site. Frankly, if you don't follow-up, you will be losing sales.

Do you know this list ? :
2% of sales are made on the 1st contact
3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact
5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact
10% of sales are made on the 4th contact
80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact

Before your future customers buy from you, you must address all their concerns and demonstrate the value you offer. You must make it easy to buy from your site and provide your potential customers with the assurance they need. You need to show them how to use your product and you must prove that they will be getting all the features they need to do the job.

That means that you must send multiple follow-up messages to your leads of yesterday, and to your today's leads, and to the leads of tomorrow and ...

Do you think you can handle that manually, without losing control? Maybe you think you can, because you still have a small number of visitors to your website. But you want your home business to grow, do you?

Sure, you do! So take my advice : If you don't set up your home business to run itself from the start, you will have big problems later. You will struggle to manually do chores that your computer should be handling for itself, and your home business will never really grow!

Why? Because, you will be so busy handling your daily chores, that you don't have time for the most important thing : "Your Marketing!"

Alex Simpson, the creator of Explosive List Building, said this as follows: "Your business lives or dies by how well you make consistent targeted efforts at selling more and more stuff, to more and more persons, more often!"

And tell me, how can you concentrate on your marketing, when you are full time busy with your daily concerns, that can easily be done by a computer. And more, what is the fun of doing all those things manually?

Do you want some samples of every day tasks for your Autoresponder?

* Handle the routine FAQ
* Provide free "Special Reports"
* Send detailed product information
* Send a series of lessons on how to use your product
* Establish and build rapport
* Encourage prospects to become purchasers
* Email a series of discount coupons
* Tracking the response of different ads you run
* Encourage purchasers to buy additional products
* Send "thank-you" letters
* Send information on shipping, payment, warranty
* Ask your buyers for testimonials
* Follow up with Joint Venture Partners
* Sell back end products
* Subscription tool for your newsletter
* List handler for your newsletter

Please sit down for ten minutes with a piece of paper, and write down how YOU can use an Autoresponder for YOUR business, and the list will be much, much longer.

So do yourself a favor, and start automating what ever you can! If you're not using autoresponders, you better start as soon as possible! You want to work at home? Do it Smart directly from the Start!

"When you are right, you have no need to be angry.  When you are wrong, you have no right to be angry."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

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