The Awesome Power Of Ezine Writing

Ezine writing is such a powerful method of promotion, I have to shake my head and wonder why so few marketers are taking advantage of it.

I keep my eye on the announcement lists and the article directories and I see the same names over and over.

Every so often a new name springs up.

Watch the announcement list and directories and you'll see what I'm talking about. Maybe it should tell you something.

If the same ezine writers have been submitting their articles, month after month for the last few years, they must be onto something.

While 95% of the new marketers come and go in the blink of an eye, these guys and gals have staying power.

Do you think they would keep doing it if they weren't making money?

I don't think so!

They're so consistent, I could name most of them off the top of my head.

So what do they know, that most marketers are missing?

1. You can start on a shoestring budget.

It doesn't cost them a dime. While other marketers are worrying about finding ad money, they just keep getting their free promotion.

2. You're providing a prestigious service.

Ezine writing sets them a step above the average marketer. Their articles, over time, brand them as an expert.

3. It's easy.

It doesn't take a pulitzer prize winner to write a valuable article.

Man alive, I can write 300 to 500 words a week and I'm done for the week. I can't think of anything easier than that.

4. Articles are viral marketing on steroids.

While an ad lasts for the attention span of the reader, an article can keep going for years. I still run across article I forgot I even wrote.

It's like planting seeds that take root and develop a life of their own.

5. It's fun.

Man, nothing can give you a boost faster than receiving an email that says, "I just read your article and it came right when I needed it."

Start writing articles and you'll be surprised how often that will happen to you.

6. You're building your business by helping others.

That fits with number 5. Ezine Writers give to get. They're the ultimate in problem solvers.

7. It's the ultimate linking strategy.

Check out the search engines and you'll see most ezine writers have hundred, even thousands of quality, targeted links to their site.

8. You've got center stage

What's the main feature in an ezine?

The articles.

Quality articles are given center stage whenever they run. They're not lumped together with a row of ads.

They stand alone.

So if you're serious about building your business and having some fun helping others along the way, step out of your comfort zone and start writing and submitting articles.

Wishing You Success.

"Let a person rejoice when he is confronted with obstacles, for it means that he has reached the end of some particular line of indifference or folly, and is now called upon to summon up all his energy and intelligence in order to extricate himself, and to find a better way; that the powers within him are crying out for greater freedom, for enlarged exercise and scope."
-- James Allen

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