How Can You Grow Your Money and Be Wealthy

By © Arthur, The Part Time Job Home 

Making money and growing your wealth is not about earning all those postgraduate and college degrees.  For those who want to grow their wealth, here are several ways and ideas you can used:

- Do you work for money or is your money working for you

The average person walking on the street work from 9 to 5 till they are 95 but still find that they are unable to retire on time.  They can never earn enough money to retire forever.  They always seems to love owning more LIABILITIES than ASSETS.  They have lots of LIABILITIES such as car loans and like to purchase the latest hand phone, television sets or ipods on credit while the old ones are still in good conditions. 

On the other hand, the affluent will learn how to manage their money and make it work for them instead of the other way round.  They owned more ASSETS than LIABILITIES.  They are always on the alert for ways to generate money for them on a regular basis and invest in ASSETS such as property that earn them a monthly rental income, high paying dividend stocks or an internet stay at home business or job that pays them a monthly income.

- Work in area which allows you to learn

The mind of prosperity will search for a job that they can learn NEW skills.  They don't stay for 10 years in the same job without learning any new job skills.  To them, the most important skills are sales and marketing as it allows them the chance to venture into their own business.  They want to learn and understand how a business is being run as they already have plans to set up their own business even before they start their career.  They understand that without your own personal business, you can never escape from the rat race and gain financial independent.

- No risk No gain

The life of a person always remain the same.  Why?  Because many still do not understand the concept of what you sow what you reap, no risk no gain.  People who gain financial freedom learn to take calculated risk, for example, many stocks investor knows that the worst time to purchase stocks is when every stocks analyst turn BULLISH.  Yet many still purchase stock at that time thinking that the rising trend will last forever. 

The affluent are usually financially savvy, they keep away from stocks purchase when it is BULLISH.  They purchase stocks when the economy outlook turns gloomy.  They do their own research and invest only in large companies with a group of STRONG management.  They prefer to purchase stocks when it is BEARISH. 

- Investing on Properties

History have proven that your real estates will grow the fastest in value when the economy is booming.  Nothing beats owing your own home.  You can rent it for a monthly rental income or sell it when it appreciate in value.  History have written about many people who strike it rich from real estates and I believe you often read about them on your local financial papers.

- Investing on your own Venture

Nobody get rich working for someone else.  Many people find it hard to grow their money as they are always working to make someone else rich.  They toiled hard, working long hours for the company, but all they get in the end are less and less retirement benefits as companies tried to lower their operating cost.  The only solutions is start your own business venture.  With the power of the internet, many have learn how to start an internet stay at home business or job as it requires very little investment of money but it can earns you a second source of full time income.

As you can see from the above, it is not difficult to find ways to grow your money.  There are no hard and fast rules to grow your money and you should not have any excuses for not doing so.

Therefore, get started today and make your money grow and make it work for you.

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