Find Out What Is Your Career Niche

There are many people who are stuck in a job that they do not enjoy doing. So, when you are thinking of starting an on-line career, then remember rule number one : ensure you choose something you will enjoy, that way you are much more likely to succeed.

To coin a phrase "money isn't everything", but making money will become much easier when you are doing something that you are happy with. Especially if it a situation where you are giving up full time employment to pursue an internet career.

Selling information products, namely e-books are ideal as an online job. They will get you up and running quickly, are cheap to produce and locating the right product can net you a hugely profitable income. 

A good example is the 19 year old who had spent a large part of his miss-spent youth playing a particular computer game. He became so accomplished at winning, all his friends started asking him how to win at the game. Before long complete strangers would e-mail him asking how to play and win the game. This 19 year old has now topped over a million dollars in sales of his "how to win" e-book.

What are you passionate about. What subject would you love to make into an e-book.

Remember, we are talking about niche markets. If your into fishing then you would be looking to narrow it down to Shark Fishing, Fly Fishing or even Pike Fishing with Lures.

Many people have failed with their info product simply because they were not niche specific enough.

Getting started can be slow if you don't come up with products. Write down a list of your hobbies and interests, what subjects are you knowledgeable about?

Write a list and then research your subjects. Is there enough traffic looking for your subject ? You need to make sure that there are people searching for your information. Just by logging into Google can give you a rough idea.

Then, research your subject, there's an abundance of information on the internet. Use it. One person I know contacted a university and asked for permission to use their report about a subject he was creating an e-book for. Brilliant, up-to-date info from an established authority.

Amazon can be a great source for finding ideas. Articles directories are great for ideas and subject matter. But remember, always ask permission of the author if you intend to use their article. To find articles, simply type "articles" into Google.

When you have gathered all the information, create your e-book by putting in the introduction, the contents and then dividing it into chapters. The chapters should follow on , and the whole book should read smoothly and easily. Remember, content is king.

The last step is getting yourself a domain name, a simple one page website with a secure payment method such as paypal and then drive traffic to it. This all takes time and some effort. You may find it easier and quicker when starting out to use eBay. An eBay store or an Amazon store.

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