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Success at Work : Techniques : Delegation
Most people think delegation always flows downward. An executive delegates a task to a manager, who delegates the
task to a supervisor, who delegates the task to a worker. That is typically the way delegation flows, but powerful........

Career Advancement Hints and Tips from the Office

Have you ever seen a newcomer to the workplace work her/his way from "new face" to "promoted face"?

Schmoozing is generally not thought of as a positive word, but "benevolent schmoozing" is respected and can even get you ahead in the workplace.

Benevolent schmoozers do not operate on a dog-eat-dog basis, but act in the best interest of all.

As much as people hate to admit that job advancement is not granted on merit alone, the positive effects of perks, compliments, and "back-scratching," in short, schmoozing, can't be denied.


When time comes to evaluate Employee A vs Employee B, it's the subconscious that does the final tally - silently. It does so without letting on to the conscious self that the final decision very much takes into account the perks, compliments, gifts, and other subjective goodies thatought not weigh in on the final evaluation. The beauty of this is that the conscious self hasn't a clue of the impact that A's schmoozing has had on the final decision, so it can make a guilt-free decision to advance A over B.

Hope for non-schmoozers...

Is there hope for employees who expect to advance based on merit? Yes. Will you need to schmooze? Well, let's have a look at some options.

Let's discount bad schmoozing. The type that comes off so fishy that even the most unsuspecting bosses are jolted awake by the unsavory drift.

Schmoozing tips...

Let's look at benevolent schmoozers, those who, make no mistake, are jockeying for position in the organizational horse race, but schmooze with an aim to be helpful to the organization in general. Here are some of their traits.


--are good conversationalists.

--keep tabs on and an interest in co-workers' lives.

--try to solve problems and be helpful.

--choose key people with whom to schmooze.

--keep the schmoozing low-key.

Some schmoozers give little souvenirs from trips. Or, organize a lunch / dinner. Some offer a ride home to a key organizational player or even spot out a need for an exclusive carpool, setting up a convenient means to get to know key players. The initiative begins with filling a need.

So, find needs and fill them. Then, if you are sincerely inclined, supplement with low-key perks. Schmoozers use this strategy to score big with the boss' decision-making subconscious.

A word of caution...

Those who are not natural schmoozers may do better focusing on simply being helpful, spotting needs that can be filled. Many workplaces are short-staffed. If you document the times you help out, and be certain that your extra work will lead to advancement, then ferret out opportunities to pitch in.

The reason why schmoozers can be so successful is because this is a gray area in many workplaces. In addition, it's difficult for human beings to resist a kindness offered, and impossible for that kindness to go unrecorded by the subconscious.

So, choose the benevolent route, being genuinely interested in people and solving their problems,and you may well be on your way to creating a nicer position for yourself in the New Year.

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