Names of  SAP Standard Admin Jobs

List the names of sap standard jobs and brief about?

Job name                                                       Report name                                                 Info

SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP                    RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING        Dispatches monitoring architecture methods

SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTATISTIC     RSBPCOLL                                                   Generates runtime statistics for background jobs

SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR    RSCOLL00                                                    Collects data for the performance monitor

SAP_REORG_ABAPDUMPS                          RSSNAPDL                                                   Deletes old ABAP short dumps

SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT                         RSBDCREO                                                  Deletes old batch input sessions

SAP_REORG_JOBS                                        RSBTCDEL                                                  Deletes old background jobs

SAP_REORG_JOBSTATISTIC                       RSBPSTDE                                                   Deletes old data from the job runtime statistics

SAP_REORG_SPOOL                                    RSPO0041                                                     Deletes old spool data

SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS                 RSM13002                                                    Deletes old update requests

SAP_REORG_XMILOG                                  RSXMILOGREORG                                     Deletes XMI logs

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